1. Register on www.goaonline.gov.in by providing email id, mobile no, name, address
and date of birth along with OTP authentication.
2. On successful registration, login using credentials and click on the Budget 2024-25
3. Select sector towards which the idea/suggestion is intended. If the sector is not
known or if the idea/suggestion is not pertaining towards any specific sector then
select ‘Other’ option from the list.
4. Enter idea/suggestion for the upcoming budget 2024-25 in detail towards the selected sector within 10000 characters.
5. Upload the supporting documents (if any) in Doc/Docx/xls/xlsx with max size of
6. Click on the submit suggestion button to save and submit your idea/suggestion.
7. For deleting any idea/suggestion upon submission, click on the My Suggestions for
Budget 2024-25 link.
8. Last date to submit idea/suggestion is 30-Jan-2024 upto 6PM(IST).
9. If any idea/suggestion is considered or made a part of budget 2024-25 then the
name of the suggester may appear in the budget related documents.
10. For any issues please call helpline No : +91-8882988000