1. Register yourself on goaonline.gov.in and login.
2. Fill details of the eligible person / head of the family
3. Add the member details.
4. Add residence proof details. Note you will need to attach residence proof of minimum 5 years without which your application will not be considered. All the attached documents should be self attested.
5. In case you need to avail concession on the registration fees, Please provide Caste / Income details.
6. Each member aadhaar card to be attached. In case of minor kindly attach birth certificate if aadhaar card is not available.
7. Registration Fees 1)For family of 3 or less members, Rs.200/- 2)For family of 4 and above members, Rs.300/-
3)Concession of 50% will be considered subject to submission of appropriate documents towards OBC of non creamy layer, SC/ST & differently abled eligible person.
8. Eligibility 1) Any person residing in the State of Goa for five years or more is declared eligible person under DDSSY. Family of eligible person is defined as his/her Spouse and Unmarried children and Dependent Parent(s) / In-Laws (Incase eligible person is female). This Family unit cannot be split. 2) Central/State Government employees and their families covered under government medical reimbursement are not eligible under DDSSY.
9. Pay relevant Fees by clicking proceed to pay.
10. After payment note down the Acknowledgement No for tracking purpose.
11. Incase the application is marked for compliance, the applicant must comply within 30 days or by end of policy period whichever is earlier failing which the application will be rejected and the amount will be forfeited.
12. DDSSY e-card shall be made available for download only on verification and approval of your application by the respective office.
13. Please note on approval collect your ddssy card within 30 days from respective office selected during application entry .
14. Communication will be sent to the registered Mobile Number.