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Request for Water Connection

Public Works Department
Procedure to Apply

1. Register yourself on and login.
2. Fill in the application form.
3. Attach relevant documents.
4. Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for application tracking.

Processing time:    Thirty days (Right of Citizens to Time-bound Delivery of Public Services Act)

Documents required

1.Affidavit(on Rs 50/- stamp paper)
2.Plumber Certificate
3.Site Plan
4.Plumbing layout
5.Form I & XIV/Form D/Sale Deed(Ownership Document)
6.Neighbour's water bill(latest)
7.Identity Proof(Aadhaar/Epic)
8.NOC from Panchayat/CCP/Health Act Order
9.Latest House Tax paid Receipt(In case of Domestic Connections)
10.Occupancy Certificate(In case of New Premises)
11.Floor wise plan
12.Power of Attorny(In case of Rented Premises)
13.Trade License(In case of Non-Domestic)

Designated officials

Designated officer : Assistant Engineer

Appellate authority : Executive Engineer

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