1. Register on www.goaonline.gov.in by providing email id, mobile no, name, address and date of birth along with OTP authentication.
2. On successful registration, login using credentials and click on Services Menu --> All Services --> Revenue --> Travel Permit.
3. Enter mandatory fields such as Father/Husband’s Name, Address, Occupation, Purpose, Permit period from date, to date and Travel areas.
4. Upload ID Proof in JPEG/PDF with max size as mentioned in the application form.
5. Upload evidence to support claim for permit under other documents in JPEG/PDF with max size as mentioned in the application form.
6. Click on the submit application button.
7. Once the application is authorized (approved/rejected), the status will be communicated via SMS/EMail.
8. Upon receipt of the Approval status, download the Travel Permit by accessing registered eMail or by clicking download link from the dashboard.
9. Carry Travel Permit PDF copy (on phone/tab/print) along with your ID proof while visiting the location on the approved time