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Income Certificate

Revenue Department
Procedure to Apply

1. Register yourself on and login.
2. Fill in the application form.
3. Attach relevant documents.
4. Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.

Processing time:    One day (Right of Citizens to Time-bound Delivery of Public Services Act)

Documents required

1. Birth Certificate. [Self attested]
2. School Leaving Certificate. [Self attested]
3. Voter's card. [Self attested]
4. Doctor's Certificate. [Self attested]
5. Marriage Certificate (incase of married woman). [Self attested]
6. Ration card copy. [Self attested]
7. Original Income certificate from C.C.P. / Village Panchayat / Municipality.
8. Self Declaration stating the no. of family members, part no. sr. no., constituency no. and name on the electoral roll published in the current year.

Designated officials

Designated officer : Mamlatdar

Appellate authority : Dy. Collector/Sub Divisional Officer

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