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Deen Dayal Swasthya Seva Yojana (DDSSY) - Renewal

Directorate of Health Services Department
Procedure to Apply

1. Register yourself on and login by providing email id, mobile no, name, address and date of birth along with OTP authentication.
2. On successful registration, login using credentials.
3. Click on Services Menu --> All Services --> DDSSY-->Deen Dayal Swasthya Seva Yojana(DDSSY) - Renewal
4. Kindly note that you have to be a member in the DDSSY card to renew it. Non members cannot renew your card.
5. Enter DDSSY Card No and Search member details
6. Click on generate OTP to send OTP to your registered mobile number and validate the OTP
7. Enter (*) mandatory fields if its renewal with updation.
8. Upload relevant documents if its renewal with updation.
9. Pay relevant Fees by clicking proceed to pay.
10. After payment note down the Acknowledgement Number for tracking purpose.
11. Incase the application is marked for compliance, the applicant must comply within 30 days or by end of policy period whichever is earlier failing which the application will be rejected and the amount will be forfeited.
12. Communication will be sent to the registered Mobile Number.
14. For DDSSY renewal related queries kindly contact Helpline No:+ 91 8882988000 [9:45AM-5:30PM]

Documents required

1.Aadhaar Card of every new family member added above age of 5 years.(Compulsory)
2.Incase of change of eligible person ,Residence Proof of eligible person: Passport|Residence Certificate|Voter ID|Driving License |Aadhaar Card issued minimum 5 years ago in Goa
3.If Caste category is changed
a)For OBC of non creamy layer - Caste certificate issued by Deputy Collector along with Income Certificate issued by Deputy Collector/Mamlatdar showing income less than 6 lakhs per annum
b)For SC/ST - Caste Certificate issued by Directorate of Tribal Welfare/Deputy Collector.
4. For Differently abled eligible person - Disability certificate issued by Medical Board./ Disability Identity Card issued by Directorate of Social Welfare
5.To delete a member - Death Certificate|Marriage certificate|Divorce Certificate

Designated officials

Designated officer : Directorate of Health Services

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