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Citizen Request for Printing of Weekly E-Gazette

Printing & Stationary Department
Procedure to Apply

1. Register on by providing email id, mobile no., name, address and date of birth along with OTP authentication.
2. On successful registration, login using credentials and click on Services Menu --> All Services --> Directorate of Printing & Stationary -->Citizen Request for Printing of Weekly E-Gazette.
3. Fill in the Application Form, Enter the content to be printed on the gazette as per the user manual.
4. Upload necessary documents.
5. For information on documents required and user manual , Click on Documents required link provide on the screen.
6. Click on submit button to Submit the application to the Department.
7. You will receive an acknowledgement number to track the status of your application.
8. If the Department finds any lacunae in document/Gazette content, the application will marked in your inbox.
9. Kindly ensure necessary compliance and submit the the application to the Department.
10. You will be notified through SMS and email on the status of your application.

Documents required

1.Draft Copy of the gazette requested to be printed duly signed by the Head Of Department .

Designated officials

Designated officer : Director ( Printing & Stationery)

Download Form

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