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Registration of Cooperative Societies

Cooperative Societies Department
Procedure to Apply

1. Register yourself on and login.
2. Fill in the application form.
3. Attach relevant documents.
4. Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for application tracking.

Documents required

1.Scheme details showing economically sound working of society for initial period of 3 yrs.
2.Letter of concurrence.
3.Bank credit balance certificate of at least two promoter members of society towards share capital.
4.Resolution of the promoters authorizing the Chief Promoter for the purpose of registration.
5.Bye - Laws
6.Building Stability(only for housing societies)
7.Certificate of TCP(only for housing societies)
8.NOC from Builder(only for housing societies)
9.Site Plan(only for housing societies)
10.Premise document-Form I&XIV(only for housing societies)

Designated officials

Designated officer : Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Appellate authority : Registrar of Cooperative Societies

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