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Application for ITI Admission

Directorate of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Department
Procedure to Apply

1. Register on by providing email id, mobile no, name, address and date of birth along with OTP authentication.
2. On successful registration, login using credentials and click on Services Menu --> All Services --> Directorate of skill Development and Entrepreneurship --> Application for ITI Admission .
3. Enter Personal Information, Educational Details & Trade Prefernces.
4. Upload Self attested mandatory documents in JPEG/PDF format with size less than 2MB and greater than 10KB.
5. In case of more than one Residence proof / Bonafide certificate, multiple, multiple documents can be uploaded.
6. Click on the submit application button and proceed for fee Payment. Note: Fees once paid will not be refunded.
7. On successful Payment applicant can download the filled Application Form by clicking download link from the inbox.
8. Applicant can also submit the trade preferences by clicking on submit trade preferences link from the inbox.
9. Once the application is Verified(approved/rejected), the status will be communicated via SMS/EMail.

Documents required

1. a) Leaving Certificate of the last School/ College / Institute attended by the candidate [self attested] OR
b) Bonafide certificate of the last School/ College / Institute attended by the candidate mentioning that the candidate was a student of the particular school / college during the Last academic year [self attested]
2. Statement of marks obtained in VIII std/ SSC as applicable [self attested]
3.a) Residence Certificate from the Mamlatdar proving continuous period of residence of last 10 years in Goa on the date of application [self attested] OR
b) Residence proof (Other than residence certificate) such as School /Institute /College Leaving Certificate/Bonafide certificate/Transfer certificate etc. proving last 10 years continuous domicile /residence in Goa, preceding the date of the application. (any one) [self attested]
4. Birth Certificate [self attested]
5. Certificate that the candidate belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes issued by competent authority of Govt. of Goa (If applicable) [self attested]
6. Certificate regarding candidate being Person with Disability (If applicable) [self attested]
7. Certificate that the candidate belongs to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) (If applicable) [self attested]
8. Certificate that the candidate’s father or mother is an employee of Govt. /Govt. undertaking. (If applicable) [self attested]
9. Certificate that the candidate’s father or mother is a freedom fighter.(If applicable) [self attested]
10. Certificate that the candidate’s father or mother is Defense Personnel or Ex-Servicemen.(If applicable) [self attested]
11. Children of the African Repatriates (CAR) of Goan origin, a certificate to that effect from the Home Department of Government of Goa. (If applicable) [self attested]
12. a) Income Certificate from competent authority proving that annual family income less than Rs 3,00,000/- p.a (If applicable) [self attested] OR
b) BPL / ANTODAY Ration Card (If applicable) [self attested]
13. Aadhaar Card [self attested]

Designated officials

Designated officer : 1st Appellate : Deputy Director (Training) 2nd Appellate : Director of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

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